September 20 @ 9:00 pm Mystery Ranch | Three Torches | John Rodney The Cave Suggested Donation $10 Mystery RanchThree TorchesJohn Rodney
September 22 @ 9:00 pm Pastel Panties | The Crybabies | Johnny Lawhorn | Marty Bush The Cave A conflagration of touring acts from K.C. & NOLA! Pastel PantiesThe CrybabiesJohnny LawhornMarty Bush
September 24 @ 9:00 pm Keyton | Jupiter 2 | Duke & The Ellingtons The Cave Suggested Donation $10 KeytonJupiter 2Duke & The Ellingtons
September 25 @ 9:00 pm Level The Compound | Komodo | Wes& The Cave Suggested Donation $10 Level The CompoundKomodoWes&
September 27 @ 9:00 pm Sugaree String Society | Red Tailed Rounders | New Old Stranger Strangers The Cave Suggested Donation $10 Sugaree String SocietyRed Tailed RoundersNew Old Stranger Strangers
September 28 @ 9:00 pm The BQs | Minorcan | jphono1 The Cave Suggested Donation $10 The BQsMinorcanjphono1
September 29 @ 9:00 pm Matty Frank EP Release Party! The Cave Suggested Donation $10 FeaturingMatty FrankSam ThornJohnny Sunrise
October 2 @ 9:00 pm Hootenanny for Western NC The Cave Benefitting The Red Cross & Triangle Mutual Aid-- bring supplies for hurricane relief! Suggested Donation $10 FeaturingGrant McGuire FlahertySugaree String Society
October 3 @ 9:00 pm Eli Kahn | Tokara Forest Ranger Station The Cave Suggested Donation $10 Eli KahnTokara Forest Ranger Station
October 4 @ 8:00 pm Lucky Uno | 3AMSound | Konvo | Malibu P | Eddie Lo The Cave Suggested Donation $10 Lucky Uno3AMSoundKonvoMalibu PEddie Lo
October 5 @ 9:00 pm Really Really Free Market 20th Anniversary Punk Show The Cave Suggested Donation $10 FeaturingPolluteEx ParentsTooth.Memoria